Bedroom renovation

This is the mood board of our bedroom...
Balcony dream... I always wanted a balcony in a bedroom. Open up every morning, listen to the birds and hang out my sheets... (OK last time an enormous spider follow my pillow in...ooops)
Next dream step... a walk-in-closet, it went small but very very handy Love it! Its made on one each side of the chimney and then we build the chimney in.
It is not easy to decide colours especially not when you are a person who loves colours. A bedroom has to be cosy, happy, snuggling, trendy, fresh and comfortable and and and ... What I did, I bought the painting first... I found the flower painting at a second-hand store in Belgium and ta-da-ta-da... then I know for sure, I following the colours in the painting! Happy!!! And you know, its flowers on the painting!
Small details from the interior decoration in my bedroom...
And the blog ending of today is a beauty, a purple Heribourius. Flower of the season. Ending the winter time and open up the spring season. This flower symbolises the colours of my bedroom. Flower your room with the colour of your favourite flower or painting. I always start in the details I like and then add the room colours after them. I know, maybe crazy... but the small things in life are important!