I am back!

Hi everyone a long time ago but my little flower shop has taken my time. It is a lot to starting up a business but also so fun. I met so many lovely persons during my first year. I have also started up lessons in the Swedish language. We have so fun my little group and I. And I hope that I soon can start up a second one. I was thinking to welcome you to my home again and when you visit someone ... you enter the entrance and take a step into the hall :-) So take off your hat, come in for inspirations! Välkommen till mitt hem!
For me is it important to have a hall clean from a lot of messy things, like jackets hanging on levels, shoes everywhere... The hangers are for the guests and just used jackets. We build a closet between the hall and the garage. Drilled a hole in the wall out to the garage and then build a box into the garage. Super perfect to hang all our jackets in! I put a bench (IKEA) into the heater there we can sit and take shoes on and off, and shoes we often use under the bench. I think it saving place and gives a welcoming feeling. I admit that we put our work stuff on the bench in the evening so we just can grab and fly when time is tight in the morning ;-) On the left side of the stair have I made a still life of a map over Flandern and small pictures from persons who meant a lot for us, paintings, and handcraft...
The door to the right side in the corner is our "royal" guest toilet. A flirt with the outdoor toilets from the past, a little bit upgraded, there you hang royals pictures on the wall and magazines to read... I will show you next post ;-) The mirror on the door where a crown so when you enter the toilet, see your self in the mirror, you got a crown on your head and you are prepared to enter... :-) -the wallpaper on the wall is from "Borås tapeter". It called Falsterbo "Midsommar" For me as a little bit to coming home but I also chose the wallpaper because of the pops. The pos, peace symbol from the first WW ... My husband's old-old grandfather was in the war an survived, so the picture you see on the wall is a diploma from the King in that time... "thanks for ..." So this wall is a little bit of memorial... and thinking ... our house has stood up straight during to wars... so when I am really tired of "problems" on the house I try to think... " little house you have been through so many things and seen so much, so I forgive you <3 "
To the right side of the hall you enter our dining room and to the left the stairs up to the sleeping rooms... I made my little Swedish corner on the way up there you hit the second stairs ... pictures for me symbolic with Sweden, a map from my home area, Kristina från Dufemåla, a Wilhelm Moberg story about Swedish immigrants from the area I was born, now a musical of Björn and Benny, an ABBA LP, Lars Lerin poster and a painting from the farm at home with a crow on... the carpet Brita of Sweden, and yes, the birch is from our forest in Sweden :) Small posters from Lovisa Burfitt, Madame Mademoiselle in step follow order up to the bedrooms. The small animals in iron are from Bengt&Lotta design.