
When will Christmas end official? In Sweden its the 13 of January. We called it " 20 dag Knut" Which means twenty days after Christmas and it´s Knuts name-day. We dancing out the tree and also empty the tree from candies. So this is the weekend of the official Christmas ending and I will post some Christmas pictures from Sweden. From one of our daughters Christmas and my mothers. We love Christmas!!! GOD JUL!
These wonderful ones are my goodies! Miss them so much when I am in Belgium... it´brakes my heart!
We started up Christmas in the south of Sweden. My daughter has made a "gottebord". That means a table full of Christmas treats and sweets and of course "glögg" the Swedish glüwein. The little ones love it ... easy to reach hihiih ...
... and cosy Christmas decoration of course!
She has made ham with cheese and egg halves with shrimps, real Swedish classic!
and as dessert lovely fruit mix with orange, figs, Granath apple and cardamum.
And in fact, it comes even snow. So our Belgian boys did snowman with wife and I learned them to do snow-lantern.
Then we drove up to mama and she has decorated her house with old Chrismas stuff from the beginning of the 2000th century and till now. Country style!
And its dark the whole day in this time of the year in Sweden.
So now the Christmas is finally an official over!
and its not mamas dog who have eating the Santa ;)
Let us now enjoy the spring and all the flowers we can be looking forward too. Have a fantastic flowering weekend!!

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