Dining room

The question is... Do you chose the cat first or the interior and add the cat??? ;-) In my case, the cat came first, hahaha This is the story about to decorate and fixing our dining room. The first picture out is my palette board (including cat...)
and the following picture is my sample board. I did not add the old furniture in my sample board but you will see them later on in my inspiration on the detailed close-up picture of the finished dining room. The flowers are from my garden. The blend of furniture is things we had before we moved together and things from our grandparents. I love the mix of new and old. The dream chairs (Kartell) are also added to the sample board. I was thinking to twist the room with some trendy modern touch.
It's always important to start to make the ground, primer work, very proper... if you do not do it here it will have an impact for all the work you do after. So put some extra time on this. We put a new wall against the neighbours of two reasons, first ... they have accidentally drilled through our walls, note... Belgian walls between houses are very very thin. So next reason is to make it more isolated from sounds from us into them and otherwise.
I filled up the old chimney with putty so I could put wall-paper on it and I painted the walls two times. Even the first layer under there the wallpaper will sit because it will stay better on then. Otherwise, the wall sucking up all the glow and in the worst case the wall-paper fell down. ..
I love to put wall-pare on walls, its such a wow effect! This one I chose for our dining room is a Swedish retro from the 1700 century and beginning of 1800 ... and in fact, I have seen this one but authentic in an old house! The pink is close to coral and light orange and you can add different pink terracotta coral to the wallpaper. It's perfect when you go for the colour and can easily change with a curtain and pillow, carpet and so on... Note that I had a really good helper ...not hehe... :))
One evening was I looking at the old movie " chocolate" very dangerous movie because you really need to eat a lot of chocolate after the film or during the film! But thing is that one scene in the movie felt so familiar, its when Lena Ohlin come into the store ...and look at the floor!... It's same in our house in the dining room! Ok not the best picture when you take a photo on a TV screen, but you got the point!
I love our old floor, its over 100 years old... ok some cracks here and there but why make everything new and perfect ??? I heard that in the past it was a shop here and who knows, maybe they sold chocolate :-)) Think if the house could talk to you? Think that our house has been standing up and survived two world wars...
The sawing machine is from my grandmother and the old lamp is from my other grandmother.
Things on the table is also from my grandma and the flowers from my garden.
The picture to the right down is my first bike :-) And it´s so perfect to have as a magazine collector.
The picture to the left side down is corsage I made to an English cottage garden wedding, theme hunting.
I hope you got some inspiration now to continue to flower your life with things who makes you happy! See you next time! XXX

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