Dinner time with friends

The couple we invited this evening have been invited several times and always something coming between... but now it´s really happened! And it turned to a very nice evening!
Sorry for the Christmas tree in the background but they come the last day of Christmas, you remember, "julgransplundring" ?
I decorated the napkins with some cone, dried roses and added golden branches... you take what you have and I find it quite nice ... I think its good to see what you can reuse. Why running away and shop for every occasion? The cones I picked up in Sweden during a walk with my daughter and the roses are dried leftover ones from one of my bouquets and the gold branches are from some Christmas decoration... just knitted with a small natural raw string...
I made an arrangement of white roses and blue Veronicas in a black boat-formed pot. In the middle, I put in small rose kalanchoes.
I baked some bread, I have a favourite recipe with oak and spelt. I always let the first resting of the dough be in a cold area and at least in 12 hours. Do ever stress a dough!
Every year when spring is coming with the light I got crazy in sushi... why? I really not know... But I love to eat them, it such a fresh feeling. Maybe some reaction after all heavy Christmas food?! The most important thing when you are making sushi is to put extra care of the rice. Wash it wash it and wash it again. The rice should be really clean before boiling it to gets a better structure to make the sushi hold together and the taste is much better. Do not forget the rice vinegar and sugar! The balance therebetween is important. Hmmmm I start to get hungry!
I use to fill my sushi with avocado and wasabi-mayonnaise. Love that combination.
And this time I also did some sushi with shrimps on. I always take some wasabi under the shrimps above the rice. Nice finger food and for shore an icebreaker when your sushi fall into small pieces when you press too hard with the eating pins...
The spring is coming with the light! The light brings the spring! Yesterday I was out in the garden and cutting my fig tree, but today it´s snowing... So I enjoy my green plants in the kitchen while I am waiting for the spring days! Enjoy and flower your life, out in the snow or indoor with your plants! XXX
1 T w i x y:


sushi <3

Svar: Visst är det gott :-)))

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