Time flies...

... and I have been flying into a new project; flower shop in Mechelen. After florist and home stylist education in Stockholm was it time to open up my little shop. 15 of March 2019 ... I have painted and furniture my shop. Kept retailers contact and I am very proud of the products I am selling, Klinta candles, Mateus, Nadja Wedin and Kajsa Wallin.
This is how my shop looked the day I was open the store...
I know... the pictures are too small for a computer but I hope you will see them on your smartphone ;) The logo I am using have my brother made. He followed my curved way in my ideas and thinking until my finish idea of my shop. I am really happy with my logo and I think it presents my shop very well. Thanks "bro" to listening to me, had the patient with me and the good support during the way! And of course, I can use my logo in the colours of my mood board :)
The key day ... and I could at least start to fix and make the shop how I want to do it ...
This is how the shop looked before and after
I have drawn the shop in Sketch Up, in 2 D this time, not 3D
On the drawing to the right is the shop, in the middle is my working room and to the left the water area. I found the planning of the shop perfect for my little business. Then I did a mood board, I wanted to catch the feeling of the Scandinavian light, forest, Falu copper red and the summer fields from my childhood when you enter mine shop.
Then I did a sample board to furnishing my shop, of course in a scale of the room.
I was doupting witch colours I should use, from wallpaper to just painting. But thenI was thinking that it is always easy to change colors of the walls if you want later on.
Pink won the competition this time :)
It was a lot of different heights in the room of, windows and walls so I decided to make a line with the pink so I could get of feeling that the room felt more ecuale. I was ready to open, doing my bouquets and meeting my sweet customers! I had a really good start and get to know a lot of amazing people both from Mechelen and outside the city...
So I continue to flower my life and I also want to send an extra flowering thanks to my friends at Super Goods and Snoep Zoet in Mechelen. For all support and that you believed in me. Without your experience, I have never dared to open a shop! You own me! Jij bezit mij!

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